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YOURSAY | It's either PM and cabinet ministers have it or they don’t

This article is 10 months old

YOURSAY | 'One year is more than enough to assess their performances.’

Cabinet reshuffle: A year too short to fairly assess govt's administration - PM

Apanama is back: If a minister appointed by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is competent in his/her job, in one month, we all could see some plans and actions.

We would also be able to see the way the person speaks to the press on how to go about his/her job and what he/she going to do in the coming months.

Later on, the minister will update the press again about what he/she has achieved thus far. At least communicate to the public the status of his or her job.

However, Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek mentioned that our education system is on par with Singapore and Japan.

Is this how she speaks to the press? She is grossly incompetent.

More examples are Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail and Investment, Trade and Industry Minister Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz, who has been very quiet lately. Is he still around?

So, there’s no need to wait longer to see the PM and his ministers’ performances.

The people on the ground will know who can work and who can’t, and who will just talk, talk and talk.

Even a Grab driver also knows this, but as the PM mentioned, "....... a year was too short a period to fairly assess the government’s administration, and ministers need to be given the opportunity to improve and boost their performance".

I believe due to his incompetency, he can't see the incompetence of his ministers, especially from his party, PKR.

We have a Failed (F) administration at the moment, which is leading the country without any direction.

Blue Shark 1548: Indeed, the ministers either have it or they don't, and one year is more than enough time to assess each of them.

PM’s laid-back attitude is damaging the nation which needs prompt attention due to decades of abuse of power, corruption and race and religion-based policies.

We are still waiting for the promised institutional and policy reforms.

The time for change is now.

Vijay47: For a person supposedly an intellectual, Anwar seems to be perpetually coming out with inane excuses each time he finds himself painted into a corner.

Nobody is making an evaluation of the Madani government, whatever it is, as though it was a full-fledged five-year-old government.

We are measuring their performance thus far over one year. And on that score, the Madani administration has been a miserable failure.

Not only have they not fulfilled any of the promises in their manifesto, but they have embarked on contrary directions that can be best described as alarming and traitorous.

He said one year is not enough, yet he seemed to have all the time in the world to push an Islamic agenda to unheard-of heights.

After just a year, we do not demand that the tree he planted should already be bearing succulent fruit.

But we would expect the tree to reflect all the vestiges of sturdy, healthy growth that at the appropriate time would offer the harvest we were assured of.

Right now, that tree seems riddled with disease to the core, with scrawny branches, destined to collapse.

And his solution? To perhaps add to an already obese cabinet!

Please, do not talk about schools and toilets. It is the entire education system, which is also rotten to the core.

Salvage Malaysia: I think Anwar is missing the point. Results from affirmative action take six months minimum to see the results. No one is arguing on this.

What the rakyat is very upset and disappointed about is that there are hardly any effective master plans and policies rolled out.

So without that, how do you get the results? Fixing toilets doesn’t put food on the table for the rakyat.

They will gladly support a government that can provide good healthcare benefits.

There should also be a strong education system to train our youngsters to be equipped with the right skills to be employable, with a roof over their head, food on the table that is affordable and after all these, with still some savings.

These are basic things that every government must achieve to stay long.

YNWA 2702: PM might be too busy being the PM for Palestinians.

He has been flying everywhere, and he lost touch with the realities of his cabinet.

The education, health and home ministers are absolute disasters and should not be appointed in the first place.

They are clueless and their only function seems to pander to certain groups of people and to appear popular to certain people.

There is no real ministerial work, no contributions or reforms to their ministry at all.

They are there to occupy a seat for PKR and to make themselves popular. How long more does the PM want to observe?

No wonder his popularity is dropping like a stone - he seems to appoint people a lot more incompetent than him so they would make him look good in comparison.

These few ministers would bring him down. The numbers say it all.

GreenRusa44781: No one should be surprised by Anwar’s statement as he is a non-performer. How on earth can he affect a cabinet reshuffle?

In management, we are reminded that if the team is not performing to expectations; it is because the leader is not leading the team well. A non-performing cabinet is a reflection of a weak and non-performing PM.

For the country to move forward and be progressive, the entire cabinet must move in tandem towards achieving all its goals and the first year will be the gauge if the team is ready to fulfil the promised reforms within the next four years.

Right now, the indication is obvious that the cabinet is lost in its mission of achieving its vision of a progressive Malaysia.

Drngsc: Well, fifty-two weeks is long enough. Those 20 percent who are doing their work well, we all know.

Those 60 percent seat warmers you can find a dime a dozen. Get rid of them before they cause the government to lose GE16.

Some of these 60 percent are sitting in critical ministries like education, home affairs and health.

Maybe the middle 20 percent you may want to give them a bit more time to wake up and perform.

Hope they’d buck up, else 52 weeks later, clear them out.

Better be labelled an efficient, economically performing stooge, than an underperforming racist pandering to the wishes of all and sundry and getting no reform work done.

The people want change, improved living standards, harmonious, equitable society, where there is a place under the Malaysian sun for all Malaysians.

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