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YOURSAY | Fahmi should explain why ministry split in two

This article is 10 months old

YOURSAY | ‘He should counter the offending social media post.’

Govt asks X to remove post calling minister ‘moron’

World Citizen: Let’s face it, Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil could not handle the ministry and therefore it had to be split.

The ministry should not have been split but instead, Gobind Singh Deo, who now heads the Digital Ministry, should have been put in charge and Fahmi sent to a lesser ministry. This could save so much of taxpayers’ money.

But Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim will not do it because it looks like loyalty is more important for him than performance. Are we heading towards #Kerajaangagal 3.0?

There was a news story recently where Vietnam could be on its way to becoming the next ‘Asian tiger’.

Investors, including the United States and China, are competing to get into the country. Malaysia was considered a favourite in this region but has lost its spot now.

Government incompetence, racial and religious extremism, poor labour policies, endemic corruption, and an unstable political climate are the main reasons.

There was so much hope in the Madani government initially, but all hopes dissipated within one year. What a shame!

VioletBeetle0699: What do you expect? Fahmi’s typical style is making small issues become big issues, including suing any critics or threatening to ban/blacklist media.

Always report having many meetings with big companies, but always end up with no conclusion.

Did you see Gobind do these stunts when he was the communications and multimedia minister?

Digital Minister Gobind Singh

‘Moron’ I don’t know, but one thing is for sure, Fahmi is incompetent and should just resign.

I propose that the ministry remains one and Gobind be allowed to handle it. Since he could handle it so well before, I don’t see why he cannot handle it now. Why is there a need to split the ministry?

Apanama is back: Fahmi should prove why the person is wrong in their post on X. Yes, we have a ridiculous minister. This is the reason I mentioned the PM should not appoint a person based on taat setia (loyalty).

The minister needs to counter it and explain why his ministry needed to be split. Let everyone know the reason behind it besides the person who posted that post. Be transparent.

I suggest the PM further split the Communication Ministry into Communication Ministry A and Communication Ministry B because Malaysian taxpayers are generous and helpless.

This is to ensure our Fahmi, our minister, can focus more on his job. If he still can’t handle it, we can split further into C and D sections.

Focusapp: He has proven again and again he’s not fit for the job. No wonder the ministry is split into two for such focus and monitoring full-time. This is a waste of taxpayers’ money.

Would MCMC issue commendations to users for praises and positive comments then?

What about those on social media calling other users names or even worse? Would MCMC also request for deletion? Or does it apply to ministers only?

GrizzledWarrior: Well, the commentator on X could have been a bit more diplomatic even if it is indeed the truth.

Ministers need to develop a thicker hide if they wish to remain in public office. They are not beyond reproach and criticism.

JW: Being criticised, rightfully or wrongfully (which depends on who is talking), a minister, someone in the service of the rakyat, should take it as part of what the job or position entails.

If you cannot stand the heat in the kitchen, stay out of the cooking altogether.

Noobmaster69: Did Fahmi say he cannot take the heat? He just said it was not him who ordered the post to be taken down. It could be anyone in the government.

The country is already so messed up now, why give the social media user so much attention?

Now that that person has entered the radar of Pakatan Harapan cybertroopers, I guess he wished he never said what he said, what with all the cyberbulling that Harapan cytros are capable of.

Yes, the deep state is at work messing things up and now sending in troopers to mess things up even more. It seems that people will now be more scared of Fahmi since he is currently heading the Community Communications Department (J-Kom).

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