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YOURSAY | Good governance is not toxic

This article is 10 months old

YOURSAY | ‘PAS is the one that needs to be controlled.’

Get DAP under control, stop 'toxic' narratives - PAS tells Anwar

Apanama is back: Reinstating the local council election and the possibility of a non-Malay becoming prime minister are not toxic narratives as PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan had claimed.

These are the rights of any Malaysian in a democratic nation like ours and their rights are also enshrined in our Federal Constitution.

Even now, it is Takiyuddin’s right to call those two toxic narratives.

Therefore, the same right should be accorded to DAP veterans Lim Kit Siang and Tan Kok Wai to voice out according to our law and constitution.

If Takiyuddin is saying such narratives are toxic, it means he is saying the Federal Constitution is also a toxic document, since Lim merely explained what is in the document.

I can say Takiyuddin should be cited for contempt as he is insulting our Constitution. Someone should make a police report against Takiyuddin.

Mazhilamani: Why is PAS constantly looking over every word uttered by DAP leaders?

Why is PAS disturbed about the remote possibility of a non-Malay prime minister in the next century or restoring local council election as mentioned by Lim and Federal Territories DAP chief Tan?

If PAS can go so far into the future, why can't it also foresee how the country will look in just two generations' time if left under PAS rule?

Imagine being surrounded by nations that are far advanced and we (Malaysia) being at their mercy for support. The mooters of the agenda would have long gone by then.

Had PAS proven in the last 30 years that states under its governance outperform the other seven states in Peninsular Malaysia, non-Malays would not think twice about voting for them.

It would have become a single-party national government a long time ago.

What has been PAS' sales pitch all these years: religion, race and the supremacy of a single race, forgetting the others who are also Malaysians.

Show sincere moderation, and PAS may begin winning some hearts of the non-Malays. So, the problem is with PAS and not others.

P Dev Anand Pillai: Agree. Why isn't PAS wanting to improve the efficiency of local councils?

If local councils perform well and are efficient, there will not be a need to have local council elections.

Most of the local councils are simply ineffective and corrupt.

Simple municipal works like taking care of the upkeep of the environment, recycling materials and rubbish, removing abandoned vehicles, covering uncovered sewer holes, and potholes and servicing street lamps are ignored until they are shamed on social media or via the press.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim should not allow himself to be led by anyone.

He was harping about reformation for 25 years when he was in the political wilderness. Now his time has come, and he has to learn to govern with guts and use the arsenal and apparatus of the law which was once used against him by his naysayers.

Why are the Malays so fearful of these so-called narratives when they are in the majority?

After 66 years of being independent, isn't it time that the Malays woke up to show the world that they ought to be taken seriously and not as a joke when it comes to administration and the deliverance of services to the masses?

The world is waiting to see accountability and good governance, not another mega-scandal like 1MDB which made us famous for all the wrong reasons. Investors are not stupid.

The DAP harps on this because it wants to see better delivery of services to the masses and not more hiccups and delays because of ineptness and corruption at all levels.

So instead of being fearful, show us that you can govern with wisdom and accountability instead of abuse of power and corruption.

Sealthedeal: It is PAS that needs to be controlled by their racist extremist rhetoric. Lim should never have been called up by the police.

It is the right of any Malaysian to become prime minister per the constitution. Lim will never be charged because the backlash will be immense.

Anwar needs to stamp out racist religious extremism. If he does not, he will not only lose the next election, but he will lose Malaysia as well.

AzmanS: As a kid learning in public school during the 1980s and 1990s, the subject of the democratic process only comes once if I'm not mistaken and all kids including me take it lightly.

I learnt the democratic process as an adult myself, not in public school.

This is a clear failure by our government to teach the value of the democratic process.

With political instability in Malaysia going on for more than a decade now, many voting adults are under the impression that democracy doesn't work and do not go to vote, making Malaysia's democracy degrade even more.

There's even a Malaysian mufti that favours dictatorship for Malaysia. It's not surprising that many voting adults favour dictatorship by some ustaz or imams rather than having an equal say in the matter by going to vote themselves.

Takiyuddin's statement against local elections shows the failure of our government to emphasise the value of the democratic process.

I might be overthinking this, but Takiyuddin is probably against local elections because he would rather put his cronies in a position of power rather than let the public decide who governs.

Wsoi: What will the Malays lose with the local council election?

Kuala Lumpur may see more non-Malays as councillors, but what about Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Perlis?

Maybe 100 percent swept up by Malays, so Malays are not happy also? Don't be so scared of your own shadow.

Many young Malays are more capable than the non-Malays.

Don't deprive the young, energetic and intelligent Malays a chance to compete and succeed just because of all the old conservative stubborn attitude towards change for the better.

Only world-class productivity, efficiency and competency can move the country forward.

If you don't understand what it means, for goodness’ sake, don't stop young Malaysians from pursuing their dreams in a world economy.

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