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YOURSAY | Guessing game continues on Najib’s pardon

This article is 5 months old

YOURSAY | ‘Just issue a statement and get it over with so we can all move on.’

Group wants transparency from Pardons Board on Najib's bid

FitnessPro: What Utusan Malaysia did On Jan 30 confused the nation and sent it into a frenzy.

This also stole the limelight from the ascension of our new Agong and that is highly disrespectful.

Immediately after such a blunder, a statement has to be made as soon as possible so that the nation will not stay uncertain. Why is it so difficult to be transparent? Just issue a statement and get it over with so we can all move on.

If former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak has been pardoned, then announce it and let the nation express her anger rightfully. Why such unprofessional behaviour?

Apanama is back: Projek Sama, there will only be an official statement about the Pardons Board's decision on Najib’s pardon bid application.

Nothing beyond that. You cannot demand more than that. It won’t work in this land of endless possibilities.  

The decision has been made and the decision itself is also one of the endless possibilities.  

Just respect the decision and move on. Do not worry about the outside world’s views because those who make some decisions do not care about them at all.  

For them, the nation does not come first. So what are you going to do?

Just issue a statement? Beyond that?  It is mandatory to forget about this issue once the official statement is released, tentatively before Jan 31. 

Hope you do not misunderstand the date. Can we be in on the joke?

We are already one and going to add more reasons for people to laugh at us. 

Justice: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and the government are in a very stable situation politically.

The newly sworn-in Yang di-Pertuan Agong, His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar of Johor, is also strongly against corruption.

The wings of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former finance minister Daim Zainuddin are now clipped.

Their cronies surely would have abandoned them because they no longer have the power to dispense projects with them.

Therefore, why is there an urgent need to pardon Najib who still has a few ongoing criminal cases?

Would Najib plead guilty to these ongoing criminal cases and admit guilt to his first case for which he had been convicted?

Has he also paid the fine imposed on him for his first offence?

To pardon him at this time without settling all of the above would be an unforgivable sin for the government as it makes a mockery of the prosecution and the judiciary and the fight against corruption proclaimed by the Pakatan Harapan.

MarioT: The Pardons Board reviews all prisoners’ conduct and behaviour to grant parole or not.

Some cases have come up several times but are found to be still not eligible for parole.

In the case of this VIP prisoner, his case cannot be granted special preference for his heinous crimes against the people and the country.

If he is set free, then it is only fair to release at least a high number of the existing 75,000 prisoners who may have committed crimes of embezzlement and been incarcerated for more than three years.

Wong Fei Hoong: Ever since the day Najib was convicted, there have been never-ending requests that he should be given a pardon by the king from partisan parties.

He has not even served a year and there is hope he will be pardoned?

Let this not be a precedent case where VVIPs, upon conviction of serious corruption, are considered for a pardon while ordinary citizens with petty crimes are ignored.

Let there be justice.

MS: A commendable statement from Projek Sama.  

However, it is just a week too late. The felon, as far as it is known, has neither confessed to the crimes nor expressed remorse.  

This is why the roles of the attorney-general and the minister representing the prime minister in shaping the reported decision are worthy of scrutiny.  

Nothing will be forthcoming - no reasons, no nothing.

RimauTongkatAli: Channel News Asia reported that Najib’s prison sentence has been halved to six years and his fine reduced to an unspecified amount.

He could be eligible for early parole in two years if he maintains good behaviour. 

If this report is accurate, then Malaysia is truly a land of all possibilities. The one who robbed the country in broad daylight created so much hardship for the people and the debt that is still not fully paid can be almost forgiven just with a snap of the fingers!

The Anwar-led government is losing credibility by the day even if he has a two-thirds majority. That doesn’t mean much as loyalty can be bought easily.

Another huge blow to the country and those trusting Anwar for the much-needed reforms.

Headhunter: If the stories going around are true, then justice is not served.

It shows that regular people like us have to face the full brunt of the law without compassion or empathy, while those who caused a lot of damage and robbed us blind can get away with it.

All because he is well-connected.  

How about his other ongoing cases in court? Is he going to get more favours if found guilty?

Cyclonus: If he returns the money, admits guilt, and begs forgiveness, then maybe I can accept a reduction in sentence.

He still needs to pay for the damage he has done to the people of Malaysia.

If he admits guilt, then I hope that this admission will be used in his cases that are still pending.

Effective Jan 1, 2024, Yoursay will only be published three days a week due to manpower constraints. Thank you for your continuous support and understanding.

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