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YOURSAY | DAP's silence on Pua is worrying

This article is 5 months old

YOURSAY | ‘They are like church mice, fearful to speak up against Umno.’

Kian Ming reminds DAP of Pua's role in exposing 1MDB, wants it to speak up

IndigoTrout2522: Anyone who follows the politics and performance of Pakatan Harapan component parties DAP, PKR and Amanah, will easily notice the 100 percent turnaround from what they were in opposition.

They are like church mice, fearful to speak up on any issues or against Umno.

When they do speak up, it is mostly about things that are either irrelevant or just nonsense.

Perhaps, the order is to keep cool, or disciplinary action will be taken if they don’t toe the party line.

This is especially so for the DAP, whose leaders and MPs used to be so outspoken.

These days they don’t even seem to know what is in their party manifesto, which includes strong anti-corruption views. What have they got to show from the government?

What institutional reforms have they carried out? What is the big difference between them and parties like MCA and Gerakan?

Perhaps, it may be better to stay in the opposition as they are no longer effective or representing the people. All they keep repeating is not to rock the unity government.

Where do they stand on their moral principles and values of the past? It is time for reflection, especially for DAP leaders, before they lose more support.

Commenting has been disabled for this story: The fact is, DAP has become an enabler and apologist for Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s actions.

Even if I wanted to balance that against positive reforms carried out by DAP, I cannot think of any. Let's be brutally honest.

What has DAP accomplished since becoming part of the government? Nothing tangible or meaningful.

DAP secretary-general, Anthony Loke, is a leader who is practical and intelligent.

However, he lacks one key ingredient that has been a hallmark of great DAP leaders like the late Karpal Singh – the passion and principle against injustice, the true backbone of DAP.

His strength (being practical) is also his weakness. Loke has intellect. His principles are flexible. In that sense, he has a lot in common with Anwar.

The end justifies the means. He will do what is necessary to keep DAP in power.

If that means being an apologist and enabler, he might not like it, but he will do it. I don't envy his position. It is a difficult one.

Vent: Thank you former Bangi MP Ong Kian Ming for coming to the justified defence and rescue of side-lined former MP Tony Pua.

He may be arrogant and loud-mouthed, but let's give the devil his due.

Together with his comrade in arms, Claire Rewcastle Brown (who ironically has been sued by a Malaysian court), they exposed the 1MDB scandal to Malaysians and contributed to the fall and sentencing of former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak.

Did we think it would ever happen when the state's apparatus was swatting down every other individual who was in the know? “DAP mudah lupa!” (DAP forgets easily).

After the call to cool heads, many in the DAP have taken the advice of their goody-two-shoes secretary-general.

Some have opted a notch further and chose rigour mortis, except for a scion of the Tiger of Jelutong!

Cogito Ergo Sum: It is not an exaggeration to say that Pua was part of the factors that brought down the Umno/BN juggernaut after six decades of rampant abuse.

Pua was hounded by Najib when the latter was PM, and it seems that, despite being jailed, Najib is still pulling the strings.

How pathetic that the biggest and jailed kleptocrat can have so much influence despite damning evidence that he is a common criminal.

Yet, Pua’s party seems to be conspicuously silent when one of the nation’s heroes is being painted as a villain. This is an absurd reversal of reality.

This is as absurd as it can get. The man who robbed and stole is portrayed heroically, while the man instrumental in his capture is painted as a villain.

In what book, faith or law, does this make sense? It is like a police officer is prosecuted for catching the biggest culprit.

Equalizer59: Exercise wisdom when airing dirty linen in public, especially if it concerns your partners.

Don’t lose sight of the bigger picture. You are now a part of the government, which means that you are in a position to effect significant changes in the nation.

If you think that this pardon thing is so important/critical that you can forget about running the country, then your enemies (Perikatan Nasional) are just waiting for such a moment to pounce.

Remember, post the Sheraton Move, Harapan was significantly wounded! Realpolitik, at times, is more important than ideals or principles!

BlueFish0451: That's right Ong. “Mudah lupa” (easily forgotten) is meant for people who live by the day, who do not learn from the past, who do not appreciate the good things done by others in the past and because of that, they do not improve and change.

We should never forget what people like Tony Pua and Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli did in uncovering 1MDB and bringing the plundering to a stop.

How could Malaysians, especially DAP, not stand up to defend leaders like Pua?

BusinessFirst: This unfortunately shows how potent and determined Pua was and hence Najib's supporters in Umno and government are so sharp in their response to any comments by him.

Unfortunately for Pua, he has served his purpose, so he will find no help or protection.

Quite the opposite. Beware DAP. You know the vipers against you but are you aware of the vipers you are in bed with?

Effective Jan 1, 2024, Yoursay will only be published three days a week due to manpower constraints. Thank you for your continuous support and understanding.

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