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United under same flag

This article is 5 months old

OUR MUHIBAH STORY | Malaysiakini began a campaign in April asking readers to share stories from their lives reflecting the muhibah spirit of Malaysia.

In our call-out, we explained our intention to start a chain of positivity, to show that we are proud of our multiculturalism.

“Let's join hands to uphold diversity and harmony!”

To contribute, we asked readers to submit a photograph depicting their “muhibah Malaysia” experience with a short caption sharing their story.

This month, we will feature some of your submissions which speak to how much Malaysians value each other - even if sometimes, it may feel like the opposite is true.

Working towards a common goal

A muhibah story shared by Leo Chong.

Leo Chong (second from right) with his teammates on the Malaysian judo team

Since childhood, I grew up in a Malay village, playing and frolicking with Malay companions.

My entire childhood was spent interacting with Malay neighbours. There was a time when my proficiency in Malay surpassed even my mother tongue.

Upon entering secondary school, I attended a sports academy where I was one of the few Chinese students. Yet, I never felt any sense of alienation; coaches and teammates alike treated me as one of their own, with equal respect.

Through this experience, I gained insight into many aspects of Malay culture, beliefs, and the background behind their traditions.

Leo Chong celebrating Hari Raya with his teammates and their family

One of the most memorable experiences for me was a week before the Asian Games when teammates stood together to say a prayer (doa) for our success, and I was invited to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them.

At that moment, my teammates and coaches felt like a second family to me, transcending racial and religious boundaries, and working together to achieve a common goal!

Raising the flag together

A muhibah story by Tan Hiap Keong.

Here at Taman Menara Maju, Klang, three major ethnic groups of Peninsular Malaysia - Chinese, Malay, and Indian - along with the indigenous people of East Malaysia, gathered together with enthusiasm and mutual assistance during the National Day celebration.

We cherish and safeguard our homeland and our understanding and respect for each other.

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Share your own muhibah story to [email protected]. Selected submissions will receive a free one-month Malaysiakini subscription. More details here.

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