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YOURSAY | Double standards over funding for school

This article is 2 months old

YOURSAY | ‘Isn’t the entire nation enjoying the tax revenues from these haram businesses?’

PAS harming racial ties with brewery issue – Dong Jiao Zong

Just a Malaysian: I have a relative who used to be the headmaster of a Chinese school.

He does a lot of begging for donations to make the school better. Not like other schools, the government’s special allocation to Chinese schools is very minimal.

So, PAS, please appreciate the fact that most of the Chinese taxpayer’s monies are used for the welfare of Malay-Muslims.

So leave the Chinese school to get donations from any legally registered business in Malaysia. There is no point in pushing the Chinese to the brink.

Platypus: Non-Malays are handicapped when it comes to seeking education for their children.

There is a quota system in place and limited access to educational institutions.

They are forced to set up their educational institutions but receive no recognition.

Vernacular schools are given minimal funding and now even raising funds by themselves is limited and criticised.

Interestingly, the number of Malay-Muslims enrolled in Chinese vernacular schools is increasing every year.

KK Voter: This guideline of not receiving donations from breweries, tobacco, and gaming companies also applies to children and welfare homes.

During Covid-19, the children’s home I worked with desperately needed funds, but was unable to receive them because the only companies still giving out funds were these companies.

But personally, this issue is more complex and not as black and white as PAS or their detractors are trying to paint it.

Tobacco and brewery companies are known to target the young to start them young; there is no better access than schools and children’s homes for the young.

Associating their names and logos with donations, coupled with their “cool” social media apps targeting the same age group, is very effective marketing by positive association.

So we need cooler heads than the religious bigots and the defenders of non-Malay rights to come up with better solutions.

The question is, will these companies still donate if their ability to link their names to the “cool” factor to attract youths to their products is taken away?

Sherlock: Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister Aiman Athirah Sabu should not have apologised for the event.

She should just have set things right. Be it Tiger Beer, Carlsberg, Genting, Magnum, Sports Toto, or pig farming, these are all legal businesses that contribute tax revenues to the entire nation.

So, what is wrong with Tiger donating to the school for a good cause? Isn’t the entire nation enjoying the tax revenues from these haram businesses?

The scaremongering of these so-called religious people has successfully skewed the thinking of the populace, that they cannot see beyond confined boundaries.

UB40: Cakap banyak (Talk a lot) PAS. Why don’t you donate money to this school? Don’t make a fuss about the donation by a brewery company.

As long as the products are not sold in the school, there is nothing wrong with this company donating as a corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme.

I am sure other gambling companies have done this before. So PAS Selangor, there is no need to pass judgment if you have not donated to schools.

Commenting has been disabled for this story: PAS is the best campaigner for Pakatan Harapan.

Every time some Chinese person is disappointed with Harapan, PAS will say something like this and scare the Chinese back to supporting Harapan.

Maybe these PAS fellows are secretly Harapan agents? I think PAS is a better campaigner for Harapan than Anwar!

People hate Harapan because of Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. But people like Harapan because of PAS. PAS thinks this type of statement will win over more Malays.

They are wrong. Those Malays who would support PAS already support them whether they raise such issues or not.

Those Malays who don’t support PAS will just think that this is PAS being an extremist since this is a Chinese school and not a Malay school.

So, such statements do not benefit PAS. It doesn’t win them any new support. It will only reinforce the minds of Harapan supporters that PAS is extreme.

Milshah: I have often said that Harapan is lucky to have PAS as a political enemy. They are the best political enemy Harapan could ever hope for.

Harapan supporters are not happy with Anwar and the government, with little or no reform being done. Instead, diesel prices have gone up, and the cost of living has gone up.

Many have said Harapan will be a one-term government. Then, out comes PAS saving Harapan with these kinds of comments.

Harapan supporters have no choice but to come out and vote for Harapan, for fear PAS will be the government.

If Harapan does win the 16th general election, it is due to PAS. The lesser of two evils argument will prevail.

PurpleCat9452: Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek is only interested in issuing statements every day regardless of making sense.

She is surrounded by naive people who cannot see that this CSR program is celebrating 30 years of success.

Has the minister ever solved a real problem to date? We have not heard about the solution for the 11 schools in Penang.

MarioT: Does PAS expect the non-Malays to vote for them with this sort of outburst over an issue that does good for the school?

It is a commendable effort by the school to raise donations to provide better facilities to the pupils.

One Malaysian: Did Tiger ask the students to drink beer to show their appreciation?

Just the logo of the company and are you making noise?

PAS should refuse federal allocations since they’re also derived from beer and gambling taxes!

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