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YOURSAY | Parents accountable when children run wild

This article is a month old

YOURSAY | ‘If the authorities do not act and reprimand bad parents, who will?’

After teen bikers' deaths, TI-Malaysia urges parental accountability

P Dev Anand Pillai: What does this tell us? We need to revamp our education system. But as usual, will anyone up the decision-making level ever listen?

Aren’t we supposed to have better civic-mindedness by going through this process of education or is something very wrong with how we educate our young people? 

We need to open up sports and make it easy for our young people to participate. If they cannot excel in academics, then at least let them be good at sports. We need to make learning English easy and fun so that they will be able to read more material in English, broaden their horizons and build up thinking and analytical skills.

Their energy needs to be harnessed. We don’t need to put the entire load and responsibility on the shoulders of the parents. 

Yes, the parents ought to be responsible but the state has to ensure that the children stay in school and not out of it and if that requires discipline and punishment, then it has to be implemented.

We don’t seem to see youths from our neighbouring countries indulging in stunts such as these. Instead, those kids get to harness their talents in activities such as skateboarding, breakdancing, and parkour that have taken them from the streets to international-level competitions like the Olympics. 

MarioT: Having children and not doing your parental duties of instilling good values and respect for others and property is considered shirking your responsibilities.

No use crying over spilt milk when it could have been avoided.

A teenager, or even a younger child, having easy access to a motorcycle and being able to sneak out of the house in the wee hours of the morning to participate in illegal races is mainly due to the negligence of the parents or guardians.

Without strict enforcement with a constant watch for potential illegal race areas, it is expected to get worse.

Charge the parent or guardian for negligence and it can serve as a deterrent factor.

No use in just talking about holding them accountable. Make it happen!

Apanama is back: What is that “greater parental accountability”? 

Do you mean the parents were not accountable before this incident? Then how did these parents bring up their children? Transparency International Malaysia (TI-Malaysia), can you address the root cause rather than fire-fighting this long nightmare? 

Did you only learn about this a few days ago?  Do you think laws and acts could suddenly make the parent accountable, greatly?

By the way, the young riders were performing wheelie stunts during the incident that took place at around 11.20pm on Aug 15, this year.

TI-Malaysia, do not simply talk. Please get involved, go to the ground, and do some jobs to stop it. Can you revive the Rukun Tetangga activities?

I stopped this menace around my area long ago and our neighbourhood is peaceful.  Please do some tangible work. More action, please.

Freethinker: Blame it on the poor education some parents had. 

They certainly do not deserve to be parents at all. They were just experiencing the consequences of their “joy” at that moment.

Time and time again, we see young kids walking/running on the road with active traffic around them.

Accidents are bound to happen with the lacklustre attitude of irresponsible parents. 

The law does not do anything to punish them.  

If the authorities do not act and reprimand bad parents, then who will?

Thor: Some parents think that their responsibility ends with providing their children with the basics.

They make little or no attempt to nurture them or tend to their emotional needs. 

Bringing children into the world is a huge responsibility. Having sex and producing a baby is probably the easiest part.

I get concerned when I see parents with four children who have no time to provide sufficient time or emotional support for their children. Then you find out that the mother is pregnant with the fifth. 

I want to ask these parents if they are being fair to the children they already have. To me, this smacks of selfishness on the part of the parents.

Rajawan: Those youths were probably looking for a thrill, an adrenaline rush and enjoying the moment even though they put their own lives at risk.

Maybe they could have tried playing computer games or mobile games instead, which is far safer.

RedParrot1151: It all starts at home. Some parents are afraid to discipline their kids. They don’t want to stress their child out.

They think they are doing it out of love but neglecting them and letting them get into trouble is not love.

Love and discipline must go together. 

Harimoo: In cases such as these, the parents of the children involved should be charged with criminal negligence and child endangerment.

Start applying the law. It is not complicated.

GoldenTurtle5687: I have seen a father help modify a motorbike at his home with his child and another friend. 

UWU: Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh would probably tell Ti-Malaysia to “be kind with your words”.

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